Mobile: iPads, Phones, Tablets and Laptops

Everyday more people are using mobile devices for academic and professional work at the University. We need to make sure it’s safe to use these devices and that they don’t cause problems for others.

Mobile devices can be easily lost or stolen and like other computers need to be protected from viruses or malware. Most also should have their software regularly updated.

Here’s some some advice to help you stay safe:

iPads and iPhones – Use a password or PIN code. Switch on the location awareness to help trace the iPad or iPhone if it is lost or stolen. Staff with University iPads and iPhones must enable location awareness and remote lock and wipe. University Personal Data (see here for what is Personal Data) should not be put into the iCloud – the iCloud is not used for University iPads.

Android Phones and Tablets – Use a password or swipe code. Switch on the built in location awareness if you device has it or get an app to do it. Staff with University Android phones must enable location awareness and remote lock and wipe. Use an Anti-Virus app (e.g. Lookout, Avast, F-Secure). Be aware that most Android tablets don’t implement encryption so you shouldn’t use them for storing Personal Data or confidential data. Staff should not use the built in email client for University email – use an encrypted email app instead (e.g. Touchdown, K-9)

Blackberry Phones – Use a password on your phone. Use the Blackberry Protect free application to protect your phone. Staff can safely use Blackberry phones for email and to store Personal Data or confidential data as long as a password is used.

Windows Phones – Use a password or PIN code on your phone. Use the ‘Find My Phone’ feature in case it is lost or stolen. Make sure you accept all the updates offered. Only use phone applications from the Zune Marketplace.

Laptops – Always use a password on your laptop. Make sure it has virus protection and is properly patched (use to do this). University laptops must be encrypted, please contact us if yours isn’t.

If you need some some advice about your mobile device please contact us here.

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