WPS – Just don’t…

Many people don’t know that their wireless router often has a thing called WPS. This is Wi-Fi Protected Setup, a feature that is supposed to make it easier to connect wireless devices.

WPS is a bad thing – it’s not very secure and lets people break in and start using your internet. And devices that need to use it are rare.

My advice is just TURN IT OFF!

More about the latest hole in WPS here.

Today’s Phish

Hey – I bought something completely unconsciously according to this email:

From: Lorie Dejoode

Subject: Order no. 98886384915

Thank you for using our services!

Your order #98886384915 will be shipped on 30.08.2014.

 Date: August 27, 2014. 12:21pm

Price: £127.28

Payment method: Wire transfer

Transaction number: EED40853ABB2B2E923

 Please find the detailed information on your purchase in the attached file (sale_2014-08-27_11-43-20_98886384915.zip)

 Best regards,

Sales Department

Lorie Dejoode


The email system has removed the attachment – which probably contained a virus.

These emails are everywhere today – so be careful out there!

Don’t be a Statistic

The UK National Crime Agency has launched an joint initiative with the UK Cyber Streetwise campaign to highlight the dangers of cyber criminals.

The NCA says in the last year more than 10,000 people in the UK have been victims of cyber crime and 40% of people don’t have basic protection for their devices.

More here

And there’s lots of good advice on the Streetwise web site.